The idea is a simple one: To gather with Jesus followers, future culture shapers, people inspired and ready for new territory.


A conference for Students and 20s

We didn’t give up our sin to live boring lives. Because He is with us extraordinary things can happen. Prayers can be answered, lives changed and healed, the poor served, needs supplied, and even churches started. And God’s power to change things doesn’t only happen to us – but through us.

Our 20s can be characterised by discontent. But maybe this discontent is an invitation from God to drive you towards what’s next in your life. Historically, most great spiritual movements have especially prevailed amongst young people. You are not the future. You are now.

At ClearVision expect opportunities to connect with like-minded people and with God.

We will enjoy each other’s company, worship together, pray together, and, we trust, hear the Lord speak to us.

07 - 09 February at Dalesdown, Honeybridge Ln, Horsham RH13 8NX

Recommended Resources

Strange New World: How Thinkers and Activists Redefined Identity and Sparked the Sexual Revolution - Carl Trueman

Head Hand Heart - David Goodhart

Making sense of God - Tim Keller

Jesus Revolution - Greg Laurie and Ellen Vaughn

The Air We Breathe: How We All Came to Believe in Freedom, Kindness, Progress, and Equality - Glen Scrivener

None Like Him: 10 Ways God Is Different from Us - Jen Wilkin

A Praying Life - Paul Miller

A Better Story - Glynn Harrison

Confronting Christianity - Rebecca McLaughlin