Hearing God / 02. Hearing God | Church
02. Hearing God | Church
What does a praying church look like in terms of its priorities and practices?
Tim Jones explores this question by looking at how the church can hear God.
Helping people find their way back to God. #weareemmanuel
Tim Jones explores this question by looking at how the church can hear God.
Helping people find their way back to God. #weareemmanuel
More Episodes
05.Hearing God | World
How can hearing God personally and as a church bring God’s Kingdom to the world? Andy McCullough concludes the Hearing God series by looking at this question from Acts 16Show episode 42:17
04.Hearing God | Church
What does a praying church look like in terms of its priorities and practices?
Tim Jones explores this question by looking at how the church can hear God.
Helping people find...Show episode 49:29
03.Hearing God | Home
How can our hearing God encourage others near to us?Show episode 42:17
02.Hearing God | You
How can I really be led by Jesus day-to-day? Joel Virgo explores this question by looking at how we can hear God.
Helping people find their way back to God. #weareemmanuel
weareemmanuel.comShow episode 36:46
01.Hearing God | Word
What is so great about ‘hearing God’? Glen Scrivener explores this question by looking at how we can hear God through the Bible.Show episode 43:52