Hearing God / 05. Hearing God | Word
05. Hearing God | Word
What is so great about ‘hearing God’? Glen Scrivener explores this question by looking at how we can hear God through the Bible.
More Episodes
05.Hearing God | World
How can hearing God personally and as a church bring God’s Kingdom to the world? Andy McCullough concludes the Hearing God series by looking at this question from Acts 16Show episode 42:17
04.Hearing God | Church
What does a praying church look like in terms of its priorities and practices?
Tim Jones explores this question by looking at how the church can hear God.
Helping people find...Show episode 49:29
03.Hearing God | Home
How can our hearing God encourage others near to us?Show episode 42:17
02.Hearing God | You
How can I really be led by Jesus day-to-day? Joel Virgo explores this question by looking at how we can hear God.
Helping people find their way back to God. #weareemmanuel
weareemmanuel.comShow episode 36:46
01.Hearing God | Word
What is so great about ‘hearing God’? Glen Scrivener explores this question by looking at how we can hear God through the Bible.Show episode 43:52