Level Up / 02. Level Up ⬆️ Wk3
02. Level Up ⬆️ Wk3
Sunday 8th July 2018
Speaker: Joel Virgo
Visit www.weareemmanuel.com for more content.
This is a talk about money and giving as a church. Our relationship with money is one of the telling evidence of what is in our hearts and how we deal with it can shape the outcome of our lives. The idea of generosity is a good thing. This talk addresses the question of why, as Christians, we should prioritise giving to the church.
The ‘brand’ of the church hasn’t always been managed too well throughout history, as things have happened causing it to be seen in a certain way. However, the reality is that those who follow Jesus are weak and in need, as seen in the Beatitudes blessed are those who mourn, meek and so forth (Matthew 5). To qualify for the church, you need to acknowledge that you are weak, so it shouldn’t be surprising when there are have been some failings in the church. As humans we are all weak in our natural state, it is when we recognise this and come to God we become part of His family.
In reality, however well the church does, it will have an unfair brush coloured against it sometimes because it would seem there is a general tendency for the world to take a jaded view even when it seems like Christians are doing what they are meant to do. Paul mentions this in 2 Corinthians 2:16 that some people will like the fragrance of the church and others will not.
In Matthew 5:14 Jesus describes his disciples as the light of the world; a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. Jesus speaks of the church as those who are a blessing. Iran is currently the country with the greatest proportional church growth, despite it having a fundamental Islamic government. This links to what Jesus said in Matthew 16:18, ‘‘I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it’’. Jesus will build his church, regardless of the location and opposition that may seem to come against it.
1. The Church carries God’s blessing- Jesus is completely invested in his church. It is Gods urban dream. He cares about his church and has plans for her future. What the Bible teaches should be reflected in the way we who follow Jesus prioritise things, even how we think financially. We should go back to the promise of Jesus in Matthew 16:18 and be encouraged by this investment plan. The church has eternal significance and we are investing in this when we prioritise giving into it.
2. The Church is blessed to be a blessing- This is how it works in God’s economy. We are blessed in order that others can be blessed. This is how it has always been. God began something with Abraham so that many nations could be blessed through him (Genesis 17:5). When we hoard the blessing of God, we begin to forfeit it. The people of God can fail to be a blessing in the way that God has called them to be, when not remaining in him. Jesus said to his disciples ‘I am the true vine, remain in me and I in you and you will produce much fruit’ (John 15:5). We are fruitful not because we bring resources to Jesus, in fact we bring debts to him, but because he provides us with what we need. It’s through knowing Jesus, you bare much fruit.
3. You can be blind to the blessings you have- If you are a follower of Jesus, you have been blessed tremendously. In Christ we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of his grace that he lavished upon us freely (Ephesians 1:7). The problem is not whether we are blessed, but that we can be blind to our blessings. Those who live conscious of the great true blessings that are ours in Christ, will learn to bless freely, widely, generously and confidently. You will be at great peace and learn what it means to give a great amount. Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Matthew 6:21).
Speaker: Joel Virgo
Visit www.weareemmanuel.com for more content.
This is a talk about money and giving as a church. Our relationship with money is one of the telling evidence of what is in our hearts and how we deal with it can shape the outcome of our lives. The idea of generosity is a good thing. This talk addresses the question of why, as Christians, we should prioritise giving to the church.
The ‘brand’ of the church hasn’t always been managed too well throughout history, as things have happened causing it to be seen in a certain way. However, the reality is that those who follow Jesus are weak and in need, as seen in the Beatitudes blessed are those who mourn, meek and so forth (Matthew 5). To qualify for the church, you need to acknowledge that you are weak, so it shouldn’t be surprising when there are have been some failings in the church. As humans we are all weak in our natural state, it is when we recognise this and come to God we become part of His family.
In reality, however well the church does, it will have an unfair brush coloured against it sometimes because it would seem there is a general tendency for the world to take a jaded view even when it seems like Christians are doing what they are meant to do. Paul mentions this in 2 Corinthians 2:16 that some people will like the fragrance of the church and others will not.
In Matthew 5:14 Jesus describes his disciples as the light of the world; a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. Jesus speaks of the church as those who are a blessing. Iran is currently the country with the greatest proportional church growth, despite it having a fundamental Islamic government. This links to what Jesus said in Matthew 16:18, ‘‘I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it’’. Jesus will build his church, regardless of the location and opposition that may seem to come against it.
1. The Church carries God’s blessing- Jesus is completely invested in his church. It is Gods urban dream. He cares about his church and has plans for her future. What the Bible teaches should be reflected in the way we who follow Jesus prioritise things, even how we think financially. We should go back to the promise of Jesus in Matthew 16:18 and be encouraged by this investment plan. The church has eternal significance and we are investing in this when we prioritise giving into it.
2. The Church is blessed to be a blessing- This is how it works in God’s economy. We are blessed in order that others can be blessed. This is how it has always been. God began something with Abraham so that many nations could be blessed through him (Genesis 17:5). When we hoard the blessing of God, we begin to forfeit it. The people of God can fail to be a blessing in the way that God has called them to be, when not remaining in him. Jesus said to his disciples ‘I am the true vine, remain in me and I in you and you will produce much fruit’ (John 15:5). We are fruitful not because we bring resources to Jesus, in fact we bring debts to him, but because he provides us with what we need. It’s through knowing Jesus, you bare much fruit.
3. You can be blind to the blessings you have- If you are a follower of Jesus, you have been blessed tremendously. In Christ we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of his grace that he lavished upon us freely (Ephesians 1:7). The problem is not whether we are blessed, but that we can be blind to our blessings. Those who live conscious of the great true blessings that are ours in Christ, will learn to bless freely, widely, generously and confidently. You will be at great peace and learn what it means to give a great amount. Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Matthew 6:21).
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03.Level Up ⬆️ Wk3
Sunday 8th July 2018
Speaker: Joel Virgo
Visit www.weareemmanuel.com for more content.
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01.Level Up ⬆️ Wk1
Speaker: Joel Virgo
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Visit www.weareemmanuel.om for more content.
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