Is Jesus a relic of the past, a killjoy, a self-help guru or even toxic? Why do millions of people around the world follow this man? Join us as we journey into the heart of John's Gospel and unravel the profound 'I Am' sayings of Jesus.
13. Virtual Jesus // 10 I Am He - Neville Jones // John 18:1-11
13. Virtual Jesus // 10 I Am He - Neville Jones // John 18:1-11
Whatever we might think about Jesus, we all have created a ‘virtual Jesus’ in our minds. The real Jesus constantly challenges us. The real Jesus can’t be put in a box. In this final encounter,...
12. Virtual Jesus // 9 I Am the True Vine - George Benson // John 8:48-59
12. Virtual Jesus // 9 I Am the True Vine - George Benson // John 8:48-59
Sunday school impressions of Jesus can be of a feeble kind, where Jesus is just nice and wouldn’t hurt a fly. He’s no threat, He can be ignored. He probably wouldn’t be able to survive today’s...
11. Virtual Jesus // 8 Irrelevant Jesus - Rich Joseph // John 14:1-7
11. Virtual Jesus // 8 Irrelevant Jesus - Rich Joseph // John 14:1-7
What is most important to me is my truth. What I feel is my reality. My experiences are my existence. Whatever Jesus said thousands of years ago, might be interesting, but it's hardly relevant...
10. Virtual Jesus // 7 Guru Jesus - Matt Carvel // John 14:1-7
10. Virtual Jesus // 7 Guru Jesus - Matt Carvel // John 14:1-7
Jesus. One of many spiritual sages over the span of human history, offering a path to enlightenment, right? Another voice from many that we can listen to as we see fit. None should be elevated above...
09. Virtual Jesus // 6 I Am The Door - Matt Carvel // John 1:1-18
09. Virtual Jesus // 6 I Am The Door - Matt Carvel // John 1:1-18
Religion. Famously the ‘opium of the masses’. A trick. An illusion. A way to control people. Although some may see the claims of Christianity as a trap, Jesus in his own words claims, ‘I am the...
08. Virtual Jesus // 5 I Am The Resurrection and the Life - Tobi Ford-Western // John 11:1-44
08. Virtual Jesus // 5 I Am The Resurrection and the Life - Tobi Ford-Western // John 11:1-44
To many, the idea of giving your life to Jesus would be the end of the type of life we really want to live. It’s a death to my own autonomy, it’s death to certain relationships or habits or...
07. Virtual Jesus // 4 Moral Jesus - I am the Light of the World - Matt Carvel // John 8:12-20
07. Virtual Jesus // 4 Moral Jesus - I am the Light of the World - Matt Carvel // John 8:12-20
Another oft imagined perception of Jesus is a moral teacher who dispensed guidelines for life. The moral, ritualistic context of the Feast of Tabernacles, complete with shining lamps, is the...
06. Virtual Jesus // 3 I Am the Good Shepherd - Neville Jones // John 10:1-18
06. Virtual Jesus // 3 I Am the Good Shepherd - Neville Jones // John 10:1-18
We live in an age that is highly sensitive to ‘toxic leadership/authority’ figures, and understandably so. Toxic authority and the abuse of power is horrific. If Jesus demands people submit to his...
04. Virtual Jesus // 2 Cancelled Jesus - Tobi Ford-Western // John 8:48-59
Jesus said many things that people today find hard to swallow. Some of what the Bible says is simply, ‘yuck’ to many modern hearers. It may be surprising to realise that the hearers in Jesus’ day...
01. Virtual Jesus // 1 Relic Jesus - Matt Carvel // John 8:48-59
While some might be sceptical, most people today accept that Jesus was a real person in history. But they leave him there, consigned to history, a relic, of interest only to the historian. He might...