Monday 28th July to Friday 1st August 2025 (returning Saturday 2nd August)
Norfolk Showground, NR5 0TT (near Norwich)
Newday is very much an international event, with teenagers from across the globe coming together. We take around one hundred young people along with a great team of Youth Leaders, Elders & Caterers. As a Church, we also have a large number of people who come and serve at Newday from musicians to stewards, children’s workers to café staff; this really enhances Newday for us as we see so many familiar faces around the site.
Each church is allocated a pitch. We already have a number of tents and your Youth Leader will let you know if you need to provide your own. We camp in our sites, although this is flexible, and we camp 12-14’s together and 15-18’s together. You must provide your own mattress, sleeping bag and pillow(s) which you will bring with you on the coach.
There are portable toilet and shower blocks, with a few permanent ones too. Bring your own toilet roll (it runs out quickly!) and remember your towel.
We provide all meals and we eat together in our marquee. Just turn up on time, enjoy the food, eat and then wash up – simple! We provide the plates, bowls, cups and cutlery. You’ll be put into washing-up teams on a rota for lunch and dinner to wash up the catering equipment; this will be for a maximum of three times. If you have any special dietary requirements please put full details on the consent form.
In the morning you will attend your age group meetings (12-14s and 15-18s) - a mixture of worship, teaching and fun. These meetings are followed by a choice of seminars. After lunch, you can choose from a selection of activities – all free - including creative workshops (dance, drama, art, etc), sports tournaments and optional afternoon seminars. You can also meet up in cafés. The evening meeting starts at 7.00pm and is followed by evening gigs. The Newday site curfew is at 11.00pm.
Yes, of course, you will need some money, however, be sensible and remember that we cannot guarantee its safekeeping. The same goes for all personal belongings. Only bring what you absolutely need and make sure that your home contents insurance covers you because we cannot be held responsible for any money or items that go missing.
Please don’t bring skateboards, bikes, rollerblades, scooters etc as they are not allowed on site at Newday.
These will be issued at the start of Newday and must be worn at all times. Tell your Youth Leader if you lose it, as without one you will not be allowed in any of the venues.
All tents are provided for the week and will be put up the day before the youth arrive, so that when they get to Newday they can put bags, bedding etc away.
We will let you know nearer the time how we can be contacted at Newday - this will be via your Site Youth Leader.
As Youth Leaders, we are very aware of our responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of everyone on site at Newday. There are various rules and guidelines set by Newday that must be followed and they are included in the Behaviour Agreement.
Please read the Behaviour Agreement carefully. It needs to be signed by every young person and their parent/carer (regardless of youth delegate’s age). We will send home anyone who fails to keep his or her behaviour agreement at the expense of his or her parents/carers.
All booking is done online via the following link...
As in previous years, the price for Newday goes up after a certain date (see Price Information below). The all-inclusive cost covers Newday event ticket, full catering whilst there, and return coach travel. Other costs such as the marquee, equipment etc are met by the Church.
You can either pay the whole amount at the time of booking, or pay an initial deposit followed by a final payment in June 2025. If you book after this date, the whole amount must be paid at the time of booking.
All youth team are police checked (DBS) and will receive training prior to the event, including child protection training, which we take very seriously as a church.
The majority of young people and the team travel on a coach together. Please let us know if you suffer from travel sickness.
This is vital. If your young person/ward is taking medication, you must inform their Youth Leader as they will be responsible for it, or will let you know who is responsible for your site. All medication taken is recorded. There is a full medical team at the event and we will also have qualified first aiders amongst our own Youth Leaders.
Our Youth Leaders will be responsible for your young people and will be keeping an eye out for them, checking that everything is going well. They will be a point of contact, although they will not be with them all the time.
We come to Newday together as one church even though we have youth groups from all four of our sites - Hove, Shoreham, Oasis and New England - and the centrally ran 15-18’s group. Whilst we will camp together in sites; we all eat, relax and go to meetings together as one church.
Dates | Ticket + Catering | Ticket + Catering + Travel |
Before 31st Jan | £160 | £195 |
1st Feb to 30th April | £175 | £210 |
After 30th April | £185 | £220 |
Note: If booking without travel, then parents/carers responsible for making alternative transport arrangements to drop off and pick up their young person from Norfolk Showground.
Church Office: Phone: 01273 747687 E-mail:
Emmanuel, 21-23 Clarendon Villas, Hove, East Sussex BN3 3RE