Journey with Joseph (Register Interest)


led by Rob Liddiard & Jacqui Jarvis

Our aim is to explore faith creatively and intuitively following the journey of Joseph, (Genesis 37-50) and we will look at ways of using metaphor, visualisation, drawing, dreams and playful creativity to encounter God and ourselves whilst acknowledging the place of confusion, stuckness or doubt.
Like Joseph, we will try to make sense of the wounds, temptations and trials of life and offer forgiveness and provision to those around us as we put our faith into practice.

Dates in the autumn term
Tuesday 24th Sept intro session
then 5 Wednesdays, 2nd Sept - 30th Sept
Venue: Oasis Hangleton, main hall 7.30 - 9.30pm
Saturday 9th Nov, 10am - 4pm
Venue: Whitfield Room, Clarendon Centre

Cost: £10 to cover materials and refreshments.

Weekly on Wednesday

Remaining: 12 spaces / 18